DSWD : Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is a Human Capital Developemtn Program which provides Cash Grants to the Eligible poor Households in Exchange for Compliance with Health Conditions and Education.

[DSWD : Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program]

What is the Meaning of 4Ps?

The 4Ps is a Poverty reduction system this provides Grants to the Extermely poor Households in order to Improve their Health, Education Particularly for the Children aged 0-14 and Nutrition.

Also Read – DSWD Medical Assistance 

What are the Objectives of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program?

There are 2 Objectives for 4Ps:

  1. Social Assistance and
  2. Social Development
  • Social Assistance:
    • Social Assistance is to provide Cash Assistance to the poor, to help them their needs like (Short term Poverty alleviation)
  • Social Development:
    • Social Development is to Break the Intergenerational Cycle of the Poverty Thorugh investments in Human Capital
      • Health
      • Education and
      • Nutrition.

The CCT – Conditional Cash Transfer Programs in Africa and Latin America Served as the inspiration for 4Ps, 11 million Families are Currently enrolled in the program,

What are the 4Ps Grants?

There are two 4Ps Grants are given to the People who are Poorest Households:

  1. Health Grants and
  2. Education Grants
  • Health Grants:
    • The Health Grants will be given to the Qualified Families with Children who aged 0 to 5 years
    • This 4ps Grants will Cover Both Postnatal care and Prenatal for those expectant mothers Beginning in the first trimester of Pregnancy and routine Preventive Health Checkups and Vaccinations for Kids who age 0 to 5,
    • The Grant of assistance P500 per month per household will be given.
  • Educational Grants:
    • Education Grants will be given to the Qualified Families with Children who age is 3 and 18 who are enrolled and attending at least 85% of the School Classes.
    • The amount of the Education Grants will be given as
      • P300 per Children in Pre School, Day care and Elementary.
      • P5000 per Children in High School X Maximum of 3 Children for 10 months per household.
DSWD 4Ps benefits

What are the Beneficiaries Selection Criteria

There are some steps in identifying the Beneficiaries as follows:

  • Provinces were selected using the following Criteria:
    • 20 Poorest Provinces Based on the 2006 Family Income and Expenditure
    • poorest Provinces in 6 Regions Without a Province in the list of 20 Poorest Provinces
    • 5 Cities in the NCR,
    • 2 Cities in the Visayas
    • 2 in Mindanao and
    • 1 in the Cordillera.
  • Selection of the Poorest Municipalities form the above provinces Based on the Small Area Estimates (SAE) and
  • FIES Where saturation surveys of HouseHolds are Being Conducted.
  • Computerized Selection of the poorest Households Based on the ranking System by using the Proxy which Means TEST Developed for the program.

What are the Conditions to Avail DSWD 4Ps Grants?

The Conditions to Avail DSWD 4Ps Grants, The Household with 3 Eligible Children may receive a Subsidy of P1,400 per month or they may get Grants of P15,000 annually.

Requirements to receive 4Ps Cash Grants

Here are the List of requirements to receive 4Ps Cash Grants:

  • A Pregnant Women Must Get Pre and Post Natal Care and they should be attended by a Skilled Trained Professional During a Birth of Child.
  • Guardians/Parents must attend Responsible Family Development Sessions.
  • A Children of 0-5 Years Old must Receive Regular Preventive Health Check ups
  • A Children of 3 – 5 Years must Attend day care or pre School Classes atleast 85% of classes.
  • A Children of 6 -14 Years Must Enroll in Elementary or High School He or She must atted class ateast 85% of time.
  • Children who are 6 -14 years old must avail of Deworming Pills every five Months.

How DSWD 4Ps Cash Grants paid to Beneficiaries?

Here are the list of DSWD 4Ps Cash Grants which are Paid to Beneficiaries:

  • Cash Grants will be given to the Household Beneficiary for a Maximum of 5 Five Years.
  • They must use a LandBank Cash Card to receive the Quarterly Cash Grants by the Household
  • For those if cash card payment is not Possible, The Beneficiaries will Still Receive Cash Grants with an alternative payment Method like:
    • In Person Transactions at the Local LandBank Branch or
    • Off Site Payments through Liccensed rural Bank.

Note – If the Prerequisites are not unable to meet the requirements, Cash Grants will be Suspended or Removed form the program.

Video of DSWD 4Ps : Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

DSWD 4Ps Program

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For More Information Visit –  DSWD website

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