GWA Calculator Philippines – How to Compute GWA

GWA – “General Weighted Average” Mostly used to refer the overall average of a student across all the Courses or Subjects. GWA Commonly used in Universities, Colleges and High Schools, the GWA is used to calculate by assigning weights to the grades based on the number of credit units associated with each Course.

What is GWA Calculator Tool

A GWA Calculator is a tool used to compute the average automatically, by inputting the Grades received in each course along with corresponding credit units or Weights. This tool help to give appropriate GWA Results.

GWA is Important for Students to calculate their GWA Accurately, By the below GWA Tool you can Calculate your GWA With easy Steps input.

GWA Calculator Tool

GWA Calculator

GWA Calculator

Subject Unit Grade Action

How to Calculate Your GWA?

To Calculate or Compute GWA you need to enter your Subject Name, Number of Units and Grades Obtained in the above felids and click on Calculate GWA, Now you will get the GWA results, you can add or clear the subjects to calculate more GWA.


How to Convert GWA To GPA?

To Convert GWA To GPA use the Formula Below: GPA = (GWA / GWA Scale) * 5.0

What is GWA?

The GWA - "General Weighted Average" Mostly used to refer the overall average of a student across all the Courses or Subjects.

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