DSWD PAMANA – Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan Program

PAMANA, Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan is the National Government’s Peace and Development Program and Framework Managed by DSWD – Departmental of Social Welfare Development, it is mainly implemented in conflict affected areas.

[DSWD PAMANA – Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan Program]

The PAMANA is a Government Initiative that aims to heighten peacebuilding initiatives, developemtn in conflict ridden areas and reconstruction, involves the (DSWD) – Department of Social welfare Development, (OPAPP) – Office Presidential Adviser on Peace Process as well local Governments tho who ensure Communities Benefits and improve Basic Social Services Delivery.

When PAMANA Program Launched

The PAMANA at Masganang Pamayanan Program was Launched in the year 2011 as the Government Priority Program which will support Peace in the Nation, it was embodied in the chapter 9 on Peace and Security of the Philippines Development plan for AY 2011 – 2016, and Chapter 8 on Peace and Security of the Philippines Development plan for the Year 2011 – 2016, which was Identified PAMANA as the Government Development Program.

Also Read – DSWD Educational Assistance

What are the DSWD PAMANA Requirements and Qualifications?

The PAMANA Requirements Covers peace agreement areas as follows:

  • CAR – Cordillera Administrative Region
  • Negros Island
  • Bicol – Quezon Mindoro Corridor
  • Central Miindanao – Region X, Xll and Mainland ARMM
  • Zamboanga, Sulu, Basilan and Tawitawi – ZammBaSulTa
  • Samar Island

5 conflict lines Across three Major Categories Determine PAMANA Zone Selection & Prioritization.

How much Community Grants for this Program?

The Annual Cycle of Operation, a Peacebuilding and Development Fund of P300,000 will be Distrubuted to Constituents of each Targeted CAB – Conflict affected Barangay. This PAMANA will be implemented for 3 annual Cycles.

Goals of PAMANA?

The PAMANA Seeks to Contribute to:

  • Addressing issues of Injustice and improving Community access to the socioeconomic Interventions.
  • By Preparing National Government Agencies and Local Government units for a Conflict Sensitive, and Gender sensitive approach to human rights prromotion and Development.
  • PAMANA Empowering Communities and Strengtheing their Capacities to Address and Peace Issues.

What PAMANA Cover?

The PAMANA divided into 7 Seven Geographical Zones that have Been Chosen and Prioritized to Complement the Peace Process lines.

[DSWD PAMANA-Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan Program Agencies]

PAMAYANAN program Strategic Pillars

The PAMANA FrameWork is Built on the 3 Complementary Strategic Pillars That Define for achieving and lasting Peace

  • Pillar 1 – The Policy eform and Governance interventions to Address Injustices in Land Security, Natural Resources, Identity and Human Rights.
  • Pillar 2 – Strengthening Government institutions and Empowering Communities
  • Pillar 3 – Peace – Promoting Socioeconomic Interventions.

Areas Affected by the Moro Fronts:

  • MNLF Peace and Developemtn Communities PDCs Were Identified through the Security Forces.
  • The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Areas Covered by the Agreements on Cessation of Hostilities.
  • Socio – Economic Devvelopment in 150 Municipalities and Communities with Internally Displaced people.

[Source – https://www.dswd.gov.ph]

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